Color Irondequoit Green
Advancing Climate Solutions at the Local Level
Featured Events and Ways to Connect
Color Irondequoit Green (CIG) Monthly Meeting
Monday, Feb 10th, 7 – 8:30 pm
In person: Irondequoit Public Library, 1290 Titus Ave, rm 216
- Zoom Link
- Meeting ID: 934 591 8056
- Passcode: BxKGf1Lw46
- Or by phone: 1-929-205-6099
At this meeting, we will discuss our group’s work, share volunteer opportunities, and hear ideas or feedback from newcomers.
Next meeting:
Consolidated Calendar of Events
Use this calendar to see many events offered by the Accelerator, other local Color Your Community Green groups, Pachamama, Reconnect Rochester, ROC Vegan Society, and others.
Navigational tips!
- Use the left hand side bar to for color coded events.
- Use the magnifying glass search icon in the upper right corner to search for specific information. For example, search: “heat pumps”.
WINTER in Irondequoit
Real Christmas Tree Recycling Options
ECOPARK – Trees without decorations can be dropped off during open hours. They should be dropped off at the back of the parking in the compost give back area.
Helmer Nature Center – Whole trees without decorations can be dropped off at the Helmer Nature Center until 1 PM on 1/18. Drop off is in the furthest back section of the parking lot. On January 18, they have a program called Trees for Trails from 10am-1pm. They will have volunteers on the property, unloading and mulching the trees. They will not have the wood chipper past 1 PM on the 18th.
Monroe County Composting Survey
Monroe County DES is sponsoring an Organics Management Plan survey. The survey asks for input about how you feel about composting, how much you might be willing to pay for it, etc. It would be great to have as many pro-composting allies complete the survey as possible.
You can be entered for a chance to win a $50 if you complete the survey.
Our Newsletter
Latest issue: January 2025
Our newsletter is released monthly and contains information about CIG’s and other local group’s recent work and upcoming events. There are helpful guides, resources, and media recommendations.
Event: The Health Risks of Gas Appliances and the All-Electric Solution
Wednesday, Jan 29th, 5 – 7 pm
Location: Kate Gleason Auditorium, Central Library of Rochester & Monroe County
Join us to explore the health risks of gas appliances and the benefits of going all-electric. Concerned Health Professionals of New York will share groundbreaking data, and our Energy Advisors will highlight resources and incentives to improve indoor air quality, reduce emissions, and lower utility costs…
The Irondequoit Conservation Board
The Irondequoit Conservation Board is seeking new members. The Conservation Board is charged with preserving the Town’s natural environment. It reviews and provides recommendations on all proposed legislation and development applications with the potential for significant environmental impacts. Members must be residents of the Town of Irondequoit and have availability the first Wednesday evening of each month. Please reach out to for more information.
Join Us
Color Irondequoit Green has so much potential for new environmental initiatives. Join an existing initiative, or bring your passion for an environmental issue, find similarly passionate people to form a team, and start an initiative!